Welcome to Option Gurukul. This is our first post in which we will like to share a few things about us.
Option Gurukul is one of the initiative taken by well know Option trading expert Mr Ajay Agarwal having more than 28 years of experience now as Trainer and Trader in field of Option.
We have been training people in stock markets now from 2006 on various topics like Basics of Stock Market, Technical Analysis, Futures and Options, Options Strategies, Synthetics and Algorithmic Trading.
We have been training different types of audiences in this journey so far, who were HNI customers of various broking houses, Finance Professional, Research Analysts, Brokers and Traders.
Our agenda with Option Gurukul is to reach out & help to all those individuals who dare to be discipline in the most chaotic market place and aspire to take stock trading in a professional manner.
Our promise to them would be if they keep at it, this spirit and add on to their knowledge they can surely be consistent in any market scenario keeping them self safe at every nook and corner.
We have plans to get into roots and deliver the basic level program with our ever-evolving training teams by training aspiring and promising, budding talent in reputed educational institutes.
On the other hand, we will keep providing advance and practical training to HNI and Finance Professionals at the different platform and build up the community of disciplined traders and further enhance the scope of coverage in our much-appreciated programs Techno Derivative and Learn & Earn.
Our uniqueness lies in delivering programs that are practically designed and could be applied at your end, as we always have followed, being Scientific Yet Being Simple which would be our punchline for this initiative.
Option Gurukul – Scientific Yet Simple.
Happy Learning!!